If you're interested in potential discounts for you, your company, and your colleagues with Rejuvenesse, feel free to contact Gary for more details on "The Company Special". You can reach him at 084 445 2662 or via email at brand@rejuvenesse.co.za. Gary can provide information on how to qualify for these discounts and any other relevant details on our Company special. .

What are Probiotics?

Probiotics are microorganisms (almost always bacteria) that have beneficial effects on the body and its functioning. The name means ‘for life’.

These microorganisms are the same or similar to those that occur naturally in the human body. Each of us have up to 100 trillion bacteria, good and bad, in our digestive systems.

Probiotics, both those that occur naturally in the body and those obtained from food and/or supplements, are largely concentrated in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, where they form part of the intestinal flora. Healthy intestinal flora is an essential part of digestion.

This is why your intestinal bacteria are so important for your overall health, particularly your immune system. It’s estimated that up to 80% of your immune activity takes place in your gut, meaning that the bacteria living in your intestines are largely responsible for your overall health. In order to stay healthy, you need to keep those bacteria strong.